Evangelism Explosion by D. James Kennedy

Evangelism Explosion by D. James Kennedy


Churches will learn a biblically based method for sharing the Gospel along with motivating "on-the-job" training on how to share Christ and disciple new believers. This expanded fourth edition features a new section on friendship evangelism and how to build a vision for worldwide discipline. Through this book, churches will experience what can take place when its leaders and members take seriously the command of Christ to equip the saints to do the work of ministry. Chapters include "Training Laymen for Evangelism," "A Presentation of the Gospel," and "The Proper Use of Testimony."

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 234 pages
  • English
  • 0842307648
  • 9780842307642

About D. James Kennedy

dennis james kennedy (november 3, 1930 – september 5, 2007) was an american pastor, evangelist, christian broadcaster, and author. he was the senior Read More about D. James Kennedy
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