The Drama of Everyday Life

The Drama of Everyday Life


Psychologists, says the old joke, know everything there s to know about the college sophomore and the white rat. But what about the rest of us, older than the former, bigger than the latter, with lives more labyrinthine than either? In this book, the author aims to take psychology out of its rut and bring it into contact with the complex lives that most people quietly live. Drama, Scheibe remind us, is no more confined to the theatre than religion is to the church or education to the schoolroom. Accordingly, he brings to his reflection on psychology the drama of literature, poetry, philosophy, history, music, and theatre. The essence of drama is transformation: the transformation of the quotidian world into something that commands interest and stimulates conversation. It is this dramatic transformation that the author seeks in psychology as he pursues a series of suggestive questions, such as: what is boredom the central motivational issue of our time? why are eating and sex the biological foundations of all human dramas? why is indifference a natural condition, caring a dramatic achievement? why is schizophrenia disappearing? why does gambling have cosmic significance?
Writing with elegance and passion, Scheibe asks us to take note of the self-representation, performance, and scripts of the drama that is our everyday life. In doing so, he challenges our dispirited senses and awakens psychology to a new realm of dramatic possibility.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 281 pages
  • English
  • 0674002318
  • 9780674002319

About Karl E. Scheibe

karl e. scheibe is professor of psychology emeritus at wesleyan university, usa, and director of the wasch center for retired faculty. as a social and clin Read More about Karl E. Scheibe
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