Rethinking the Family by Barrie Thorne

Rethinking the Family by Barrie Thorne


This revised edition of the 1982 classic features eight new chapters and an updated introduction to reflect feminist thinking about the family as it has evolved over the last two decades. Situated in the context of what is often referred to as the "family crisis," the essays address issues such as the increase in divorce, employment of married women and mothers, the relationship of poverty to family structure, controversy over access to abortion, the increasing visibility of varied family forms, and debates over the very meaning of "family."

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • English
  • 1555531458
  • 9781555531454

About Barrie Thorne

barrie thorne (born 1942) is a professor of sociology and of gender and women's studies at the university of california, berkeley.her work focuses on the s Read More about Barrie Thorne
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