In the Dreamlight: Twenty-one Alaskan Writers

In the Dreamlight: Twenty-one Alaskan Writers


These poems and stories provide a voice for the authentic Alaska with its three distinct countries: the Southeast coastal towns that survive on timber and fishing industries, the Northern cities with their pipeline money and growing pains, and the Interior Alaska that few white Americans can ever really know ... Through these stories and poems, we may glimpse the meaning of a Tlingit burial, life in the canneries, the death of a smoke-jumper, or the life of the imagination in the far north.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 161 pages
  • English
  • 0914742760
  • 9780914742760

About Robert Hedin

robert hedin: robert hedin is the founding director of the anderson center for the arts, and is the author of eight books of poetry and several translation Read More about Robert Hedin
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