Iditarod: The Great Race to Nome

Iditarod: The Great Race to Nome


This is the definitive story of the Iditarod, the dogsled race that has been run for over a century--told in brisk inviting stories and fully illustrated with color photographs, including updated information through the 2018 race.
The famed 1000-mile dogsled race from Anchorage in Southeast Alaska to Nome on the Bering Sea is a test of endurance, both human and canine. The great history of the race has unfolded in the accounts of mushers and dog teams, fierce weather, accidents and good luck--with personalities like Joe Redington Sr., Rick Swenson, and Libby Riddles being joined by Lance Mackey, DeeDee Jonrowe, and Mitch & Dallas Seavey in recent years. The book is thoroughly illustrated with Jeff Schultz's photography, including coverage of the most recent runnings of the Iditarod.

Buy Iditarod: The Great Race to Nome at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • English
  • 0882404113
  • 9780882404110

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