20 Most Asked Questions about the Amish and Mennonites
By Phyllis GoodSensitively answers the most common inquiries about Amish and Mennonite peoples. Authoritative, sympathetic, and thorough. 20 Most Asked Questions looks at origins, dress, pacifism, education, weddings, funerals, and food, as well as many other facets of Amish and Mennonite life. This book has sold more than 200,000 copies.
- What is the difference between the Amish and the Mennonites?
2. When and how did these people get started?
3. Are they a Christian group or do they represent a different religion?
4. Aren’t they a bit naive and backward? Why don’t they accept modern things?
5. Does anyone ever join them? Does anyone ever leave?
6. Why do they dress that way?
7. Is it true they don’t go to war?
8. Why are they against education?
9. Why are they such good farmers?
10. Why don’t they pay Social Security taxes?
11. Do any of the Amish or Mennonite groups believe in missions?
12. What are their weddings like?
13. How are their women and children treated?
14. Is food a part of their religion?
15. Do they go to doctors and hospitals?
16. What about burial?
17. Don’t they believe in having fun?
18. What are some of their problems?
19. Are they growing or dying in number?
20. What, in fact, holds them together?
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Book details
- Paperback
- 96 pages
- English
- 1561481858
- 9781561481859
About Phyllis Good
phyllis good is the new york times best-selling author and creator of the fix-it and forget-it series, which has more than 14 million copies in print. her Read More about Phyllis Good
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