Oh My Goddess! Volume 39 Manga by Fujishima Kosuke

Oh My Goddess! Volume 39 Manga by Fujishima Kosuke


The hostile takeover of Hell is bearing forbidden fruit all over Earth, as their aggressive new customer-service campaign makes rapid gains in the battle for market share...over us! The reason gods and demons grant humans wishes is the energy they gain from the strength of our desires...a cosmic competition kept stable only when both sides are equal, and by linking each god to a demon through the Doublet System. But Belldandy, herself, imbalances it through her link to the human being she loves. If order is to be restored, it will require not only her help, but that of the goddesses Peorth and Lind...all to put Hild, the deposed lord of demons, back on her throne!

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 168 pages
  • English
  • 1595827951
  • 9781595827951

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