A Woman's Guide to Financial Peace of Mind

A Woman's Guide to Financial Peace of Mind


Every woman needs to know how to make the best use of her money. Financial expert Ron Blue and his wife, Judy have found that women's concerns are largely determined by the season of life in which they find themselves. A young single mother of small children and an empty-nester, for example have very different questions and needs. The seasons of life approach allow you to focus on specific challenges you're probably facing at your current stage in life. These seasons of life are determined by age, marital status, age of children and income level. A Woman's Guide to Financial Peace of Mind is organized accordingly, with separate chapters describing the particular concerns of each season and how to meet them with biblical and practical wisdom. Other chapters offer keys to success that apply in all season, such as how to think biblically about money management, make a budge work for you, buy life insurance and invest.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 230 pages
  • English
  • 1561790265
  • 9781561790265

About Ron Blue

ron blue. following his graduation from indiana university in 1967 with a master’s in business administration, ron joined the management group of pea Read More about Ron Blue
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