The Great House of God, Just Like Jesus, When Christ Comes (3 Books in 1 Volume)

The Great House of God, Just Like Jesus, When Christ Comes (3 Books in 1 Volume)


The Great House of God: A Home for Your Heart book by Max Lucado

God’s greatest desire is to be your dwelling place. The home for your heart.

He doesn’t want to be merely a weekend getaway. He has no interest in being a Sunday bungalow or even a summer cottage. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference, your home…always. He wants you to live in the Great House of God.

Using the Lord’s Prayer as a floor plan, bestselling author Max Lucado takes you on a tour of the home God intended for you. Warm your heart by the fire in the living room. Nourish your spirit in the kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family room. Step into the hallway and find forgiveness.

It’s the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There’s only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid.

The roof never leaks. The walls never crack. The foundation never trembles.

In God’s house, you’re home. So come into the house built just for you. Your father is waiting.

Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado

God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

Can you think of a better offer?

Jesus felt no guilt; God wants you to feel no guilt. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to do away with yours. Jesus had no fears; God wants the same for you. Jesus had no anxiety about death; you needn't either. God's desire, his plan, his ultimate goal is to make you into the image of Christ.

But how does this change occur? And why does the change seem so slow? If God wants me to be just like Jesus, why do I still seem just like me?

In Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado helps you answer these questions. He helps you understand God's wonderful ways of transformation. Would you like to know more? Then read on. And remember: God loves you just way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

When Christ Comes: The Beginning of the Very Best Book by Max Lucado

Life with no end? Space with no bounds? And what about Armageddon, The Lake of Fire, The Mark of the Beast?


Are we supposed to feel good about all this?


When we wonder about these things, we aren't alone. There is much about the end of history we don't understand. But while thoughts on the final day will stir our questions, they needn't stir our fears. Regarding that day, Jesus urged, "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me" (John 14:1).


Max Lucado believes the day Christ comes will be the "beginning of the very best." And our primary task is to be prepared and peaceful while we wait.


If we have some questions about the end of time ...


If we have concerns about what will happen to us ...


If we want to look to the end of times as a source of comfort and not chaos ...


Then this is the book we need. New York Times best-selling author Max Lucado walks us through Scripture to find peace in the present and hope for the hereafter.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 620 pages
  • English
  • 0849920477
  • 9780849920479

About Max Lucado

with more than 130 million products in print and several nyt bestsellers, max lucado is america's bestselling inspirational author. he serves the oak hills Read More about Max Lucado
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