Goosebumps #5: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb book by R.L. Stine
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Goosebumps #5: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb book by R.L. Stine
Something Dead Has Been Here...
Gabe just got lost - in a pyramid. One minute, his crazy cousin Sari was right ahead of him in the pyramid tunnel. The next minute, she'd disappeared.
But Gabe isn't alone. Someone else is in the pyramid, too.
Someone. Or some thing.
Gabe doesn't believe in the curse of the mummy's tomb. But that doesn't mean that the curse isn't real.
Does it?
Book details
- Paperback
- 132 pages
- English
- 0590453696
- 9780590453691
About R.L. Stine
robert lawrence stine known as r. l. stine and jovial bob stine, is an american novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. stine, who Read More about R.L. Stine
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