Goldsmith Market (Romanian and English Edition)

Goldsmith Market (Romanian and English Edition)


". . . full of known earthly places like the Sahara, ‘Old Russia,’ and Heathrow Airport, jumbled together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle map of the world. Art, artifacts, things, and people partake of each other’s humanity and objecthood. Yet there is nothing of the dispassionate butterfly-pinner about: these objects are sympathetically alive, parts of an encompassing order, like Marianne Moore’s ‘Nine Nectarines’ . . . these poems are unlike any I’ve ever read: deep, beautiful, and laugh-out-loud funny."—John Ashbery

Chris Edgar’s work has appeared in Best American Poetry 2000 and 2001, Boston Review, Fence, Mississippi Review, Shiny, and The Germ. Edgar won the 2000 Boston Review Poetry Prize, and he is the author of Cheap Day Return (illustrations by Trevor Winkfield; The Cube Press, 2002).

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 212 pages
  • English
  • 0939010798
  • 9780939010790

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