Do You Think I'm Beautiful? : The Question Every Woman Asks
By Angela ThomasThis book is for women who know, perhaps only deep in their heart, that they need an answer to the question, "Do you think I'm beautiful?" Readers will come to understand that the question is uniquely feminine, placed there by the Creator to woo them to Himself. Along the way, women will learn about the distractions that can keep them from the One who calls them beautiful, what it takes to return to His embrace, and what delights await them there. Angela's skillful, moving writing style is peppered with warm and funny stories from her own life that readers will immediately identify with. And the practical Bible teaching Angela offers will help readers bridge the gulf between the life a woman longs for and the life she actually has.
Book details
- Hardcover
- 224 pages
- English
- 0785263551
- 9780785263555
About Angela Thomas
angela thomas is the best-selling author of numerous books including do you think i'm beautiful and my single mom life. she is a gifted teacher and story-t Read More about Angela Thomas
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