Dining in the Kingdom of God: The Origins of Eucharist according to Luke

Dining in the Kingdom of God: The Origins of Eucharist according to Luke


Celebrating the Eucharist is more than recalling Jesus words over the bread and the cup at the Last Supper. The Eucharist is a Gospel event--its origins span the entire Gospel, and its meaning for the Church is as many-sided as the Gospel. This book makes the connections between the Eucharist, the stories of the Gospel, and the worshipping assembly. It is about the gathering of the Church to celebrate in memory of Christ and to identify and work with the issues of the Gospel that lead to the kingdom of God. You will return many times to partake of the full fare offered here. The endnotes will help you delve further into Luke's Gospel and the liturgical dimensions of this study. Don't miss the continuation of this discussion in The Breaking of the Bread.Father LaVerdiere is a senior editor of Emmanuel magazine and a professor of New Testament at Mundelein Seminary and the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He holds a doctorate in New Testament and Early Christian Literature and is the author of 'Luke' (New Testament #5), 'When We Pray', 'The New Testament in the Life of the Church', and 'The Eucharist in the New Testament'. Published by Liturgy Training Publications.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 227 pages
  • English
  • 1568540221
  • 9781568540221

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