Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes book by Tamim Ansary

Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes book by Tamim Ansary


Destiny Disrupted, “a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the history of the Islamic world,” (San Francisco Chronicle) tells the history of the world from the Islamic point of view, and restores the centrality of the Muslim perspective, ignored for a thousand years.

In Destiny Disrupted, Tamim Ansary tells the rich story of world history with the evolution of the Muslim community at the center. His story moves from the lifetime of Mohammed through a succession of far-flung empires, to the tangle of modern conflicts that culminated in the events of 9/11. He introduces the key people, events, ideas, legends, religious disputes, and turning points of world history, imparting not only what happened but how it is understood from the Muslim perspective.

He clarifies why two great civilizations—Western and Muslim—grew up oblivious to each other, what happened when they intersected, and how the Islamic world was affected by its slow recognition that Europe—a place it long perceived as primitive—had somehow hijacked destiny.

With storytelling brio, humor, and evenhanded sympathy to all sides of the story, Ansary illuminates a fascinating parallel to the narrative usually heard in the West. Destiny Disrupted offers a vital perspective on world conflicts many now find so puzzling.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 416 pages
  • English
  • 1586488139
  • 9781586488130

About Tamim Ansary

tamim ansary is the author of destiny disrupted and games without rules, among other books. for ten years he wrote a monthly column for, and ha Read More about Tamim Ansary
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