Diary of a Jackwagon

Diary of a Jackwagon


Diary of a Jackwagon by Tim Hawkins

He's a comedian. He's a YouTube sensation. And now he becomes an author. Best known for his song parodies and riffs on yoga pants and homeschooling, Tim Hawkins now shares his perspective on life in the 21st century in his long-awaited debut book. Tim's topics are as wide-ranging as his stand-up comedy including marital communications ("Marriage needs a challenge flag, like in pro football"), worship music ("Pick the right key, because I'm not Barry White and I'm not a Bee Gee"), and food ("Eating a Krispy Kreme donut is like eating a baby angel"). Diary of a Jackwagon reveals a witty and relatable voice reminding readers that for life's many difficulties, laughter is always the best medicine - when there aren't any pills left. Jackwagon meaning An objectionable person; a jerk; a jackass

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 224 pages
  • English
  • 0718006291
  • 9780718006297

About Tim Hawkins

since giving up his job as a grocery truck driver in 2002, tim hawkins has been forging the magical blend between two comedic ideals: a genuinely funny com Read More about Tim Hawkins
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