Dear Dumb Diary Year Two #3: Nobody's Perfect. I'm As Close As It Gets book by Jim Benton

Dear Dumb Diary Year Two #3: Nobody's Perfect. I'm As Close As It Gets book by Jim Benton


Whatever you do, DON'T read Jamie Kelly's bestselling diaries!

The bestselling Dear Dumb Diary series is a hilarious hit! Now Jamie Kelly's diaries have a fresh look and a fun twist. Dear Dumb Diary Year Two is still laugh-out-loud funny -- but everything is another year dumber!

As Jamie continues to grapple with middle school's Big Questions, she drops even more snarky gems of wisdom like, "Everybody knows that the more you love somebody, the less you try to look nice for them," and "People don't appreciate how much willpower it takes to do the wrong thing."

(But Jamie STILL has no idea that anybody is reading her diary. So please, please, please don't tell her.)

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 120 pages
  • English
  • 0545377641
  • 9780545377645

About Jim Benton

benton began his career in a custom design t-shirt shop where he started designing his own characters. at the same time, jim did illustrations and artwork Read More about Jim Benton
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