Bride's Little Headaches : Before the big day!

Bride's Little Headaches : Before the big day!


Congratulations! You're getting married. That's nice. Flash forward and we feel your pain. The Bride's Little Book of Headaches pokes gentle fun at the crazy and maddening months of wedding planning.

Headaches are stubborn hairdressers. Headaches are pushy in-laws and family members. Headaches are getting the wrong color tablecloths. Headaches are groomsmen buying the wrong tuxes. Headaches are choosing bridesmaid dresses. But when you walk down that aisle and see the one you love, you know it's all worth it.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 88 pages
  • English
  • 1631060104
  • 9781631060106

About Rock Point

ksh 700
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