Bugs by George McGavin

Bugs by George McGavin


A fascinating pop-up journey into the hidden world of insects, spiders, and other creepy-crawlies.

Larger-than-life bugs spring from the pages, peek out from behind flaps, and hide under tabs, inviting young entomologists to marvel at the mind-boggling variety of arthropod life. What reader can resist a chance to look inside a cockroach’s body to see how it works or open a wasps’ nest to see what’s inside? Useful information (why does the world need bees?) and scientific trivia (which beetles are strongest and fastest?) pack every page, while exquisite art and dramatic pop-ups bring the world of bugs to teeming life.


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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 12 pages
  • English
  • 0763667625
  • 9780763667627

About George McGavin

george mcgavin, a renowned entomologist, is an honorary research associate at the oxford university museum of natural history and the department of zoology Read More about George McGavin
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