Giving Back by Merrill J. Oster

Giving Back by Merrill J. Oster


Business entrepreneurs have always played a key role in America's financial growth. Now social entrepreneurs are also being recognized for their significant contributions. Management expert Peter Drucker insists that "social entrepreneurship ... is as important as economic entrepreneurship. More important, perhaps." That message resonates with today's businessmen and women. They realize that in addition to economic health, the health of society must not be overlooked. The successes featured in this book come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a spectrum of social and spiritual concerns. They are practical idealists who use modern tools and technology to share the age-old love of God with the disadvantaged -- from at-risk kids to dysfunctional families to impoverished minorities to the homeless. Throughout Giving Back, authors Oster and Hamel highlight practical principles that will help you use your resources, abilities, and influence to create positive social change and improve the world your grandchildren will inherit.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 207 pages
  • English
  • 1576833860
  • 9781576833865

About Merrill J. Oster

merrill j. oster is the founder of oster communications inc. and is a past recipient of the iowa entrepreneur of the year award. he lectures widely on worl Read More about Merrill J. Oster
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