Any Dream Will Do book by Maria Duffy

Any Dream Will Do book by Maria Duffy


Any Dream Will Do book by Maria Duffy

It is the season to be jolly, except single Dubliner Jenny Breslin is feeling something a little closer to gloomy. Everything about her life - her boring job at the bank, the complete lack of romance - has been untouched by holiday magic, and she dreads the thought of spending yet another festive season with her larger-than-life mother and her new boyfriend. Thank God for Twitter, a place where there are always people ready and waiting to have a chat. She has even managed to make a couple of genuine friends there, even though she has never met them IRL (In Real Life). Suddenly, Jenny becomes aware of how her life will appear to these strangers in Twitter - boring. It is easy enough to pretend that you are an exciting and sophisticated person when nobody can see you, but now Jenny's worried about being caught out in the occasional lies that she has told. All the more incentive to change her life for the better! But once her pals arrive, Jenny finds herself pining for the past and wondering if people are ever who they claim to be. Published By on 2012

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 340 pages
  • English
  • 1444726064
  • 9781444726060

About Maria Duffy

ksh 750
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