Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris

Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris


From Kathleen Norris, the author who "writes about religion with the imagination of a poet" ( "Chicago Tribune" ), comes this unusual, accessible, and profound investigation of Christian faith. Taking as her starting point the "scary words" that can intimidate and distance us from our religious heritage words like judgment, faith, dogma, salvation and sinner, Norris blends history, theology, storytelling, etymology and memoir to help us reflect on their meanings. Always entertaining, and thought provoking, Norris awakens us to the possibility of belief. Through this exhilarating journey, readers will come to know more about the gradual conversion and the daily struggle for faith that Norris described in her bestseller "The Cloister Walk." "Amazing Grace" will grant an illuminating perspective on how we can embrace ancient traditions and find faith in the contemporary, everyday world.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 384 pages
  • English
  • 1573220787
  • 9781573220781

About Kathleen Norris

kathleen norris was born on july 27, 1947 in washington, d.c. she grew up in honolulu, hawaii, as well as on her maternal grandparents’ farm in lemmo Read More about Kathleen Norris
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