A Feeling Intellect and a Thinking Heart

A Feeling Intellect and a Thinking Heart


In such matters as the existence and character of God, immortality, the problem of evil, miracles, science, and religion, A Feeling Intellect and a Thinking Heart shows how theology gives substance to philosophical discussion, but is likely to lose its way without the discipline of critical thought, or philosophy. This book includes many literary examples, and it draws from the experience of ordinary people, whose existence is not governed consciously by theological and philosophical issues, but is greatly influenced by them. The extent to which these people are aware of such an influence, the author argues, is governed by their mind as well as their emotions- a feeling intellect and a thinking heart.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 232 pages
  • English
  • 0761823727
  • 9780761823728

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