Yes, We're Open: Defending the Small Business Under Siege

Yes, We're Open: Defending the Small Business Under Siege


Yes, We're Open is a collection of short stories about troubled businesses that survived. It's designed to help small business owners recognize and avoid the many pitfalls in running a small business. Written to be an entertaining as well as an informative read, attorney William Manchee shares his experiences representing small business owners for over 25 years. Yes, We're Open focuses on the causes of small business failure and how to defend the troubled business while taking the necessary steps to turn it around. Published By on 2003

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 148 pages
  • English
  • 1929976240
  • 9781929976249

About William Manchee

william manchee is an attorney by trade and practices consumer law in texas with his son jim. originally from southern california, he now lives in plano, t Read More about William Manchee
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