Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear into Action to Change Your Life and the World book by John Perkins

Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear into Action to Change Your Life and the World book by John Perkins


"This eloquent book inspires us to create a new reality of what it means to be humans on this magnificent planet." --Deepak Chopra When New York Times bestselling author John Perkins was a young Peace Corps volunteer, his life was saved by an Amazonian shaman who taught him to "touch the jaguar"--to transform his fears into positive action. He went on to become an "economic hit man" (EHM), convincing developing countries to build huge infrastructure projects that put them perpetually in debt to the World Bank and other US-controlled institutions. Although he sincerely believed this was the best model for economic development, he came to realize it was really a new form of colonialism. Returning to the Amazon, he saw the destructive impact of his EHM work. But he also was inspired by a previously uncontacted tribe that touched its jaguar by uniting with its enemies to defend its territory against invading oil and mining companies. For the first time, Perkins details how his experiences in the Amazon converted him from an EHM to a crusader for transforming our failing Death Economy that destroys its own resources and nature itself into a flourishing Life Economy that renews itself. He provides a strategy for each of us to change our lives and defend our territory--the earth--against destructive policies and systems. 

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 264 pages
  • English
  • 9781523089864
  • 1523089865

About John Perkins

john perkins is an activist and author. as a former chief economist at boston strategic-consulting firm chas. t. main, perkins says that he was an "economi Read More about John Perkins
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