The Findhorn Garden
By The Findhorn CommunityMembers of the Scottish agricultural community present the history and philosophy of their extraordinary gardens. Updated to showcase color photographs, this spiritual classic presents the history and philosophy of Scotland’s Findhorn Community. Findhorn was founded more than 40 years ago in far northeast Scotland on windswept and barren sand dunes that happened to sprout a miraculous garden. Plants, flowers, trees, and organic vegetables of enormous sizes began to grow in a small plot around the 30-foot caravan trailer inhabited by three adults and three children living on meager unemployment benefits. Guidance by God and absolute faith in the art of manifestation led the occupants to this unlikely locale to create a magnetic center that would draw people from all over the world. Their discovery of how to contact and cooperate with the nature spirits and devas that made the garden possible sparked a phenomenon that continues today, as Findhorn has grown into a thriving village housing hundreds of people from all over the world and an internationally recognized spiritual-learning center.
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Book details
- Paperback
- 180 pages
- English
- 0060905204
- 9780060905200
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