The Unofficial Guide to Divorce

The Unofficial Guide to Divorce


The statistics are no secret: the U.S. Census Bureau reports that 50% of marriages end in divorce. This means that each year, 2.5 million people go through the divorce process -- many of them without a clear-cut understanding of their options. That's where The Unofficial Guide to Divorce comes into play.While most books on divorce are either personal sagas or dry, technical guides, this book is written with the aid of both a therapist and an attorney. It sensitively explains the process and offers unbiased advice on selecting an attorney, evaluating agreement options, dealing with a high-conflict divorce, helping families cope with stress, getting emotional support, using the Internet as a valuable resource, and so much more. The Unofficial Guide to Divorce will allow readers to survive the ordeal and come up winners both emotionally and financially.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 398 pages
  • English
  • 0028624556
  • 9780028624556

About Sharon Naylor

sharon naylor is the author of more than 20 books on wedding topics and has been featured as a wedding expert on lifetime, abc news, and inside edition. sh Read More about Sharon Naylor
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