Take it from Me: Straight Talk about Life from a Teen Who's Been There book by Molly Buchan

Take it from Me: Straight Talk about Life from a Teen Who's Been There book by Molly Buchan


There’s nothing like talking to a big sister and getting her advice, because she’ll always tell you things that mom won’t. Meet Molly, a 17-year-old who’s decided to play the role of big sister to girls 8 to 12. She’s willing to tell you the answers to the questions you’ve probably wondered about. Not from an adult perspective, but from her own insight. Take It from Me tackles the tough self-esteem issues that preteens struggle with and shares how to overcome them by using biblical principles. Certainly, Molly doesn’t claim to know it all, but she shares her own experience in a way that is fun and enjoyable. Take It from Me— a real “sister-to-sister talk about the stuff mom never told you.”

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 112 pages
  • English
  • 0310703166
  • 9780310703167

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