Spreading the News: Sharing the Stories of Early Childhood Education by Margie Carter

Spreading the News: Sharing the Stories of Early Childhood Education by Margie Carter


How do we communicate to others the important work we do for and with children? How do we enhance understanding and knowledge of the early childhood care and education field? With documentation panels. With what? Documentation panels - an exciting graphic technique which helps educators and professionals in the early childhood care and education field make and use unique and beautiful eye-catching posters - called "documentation panels" or "display panels," which can be used to communicate child development, parenting, program and public policy information. Based on the work in early childhood education originating in Reggio Emilia, Italy, this technique captures in visual form with a brief narrative, the importance of a play-based curriculum in young childrens lives. A fascinating and innovative book, Spreading the Sharing the Stories of Early Childhood Education shows the many uses of these documentation panels, the tools needed to make them and the results to expect.


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 64 pages
  • English
  • 1884834140
  • 9781884834141

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