Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre

Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre


Ramsdell's book responds to the tremendous growth in and diversification of romance fiction over the past decade and to the demand for a thorough guide to the literature. After a fascinating overview of the genre as a whole (e.g., definition, history, reasons for appeal), the author discusses each of its major subgenres, listing and describing the titles in each and offering tips for readers' advisory and collection development. A revision of Happily Ever After: A Guide to Reading Interests in Romance Fiction, this book has been entirely updated and rewritten. It includes new sections on Alternative Reality Romance (e.g., time travel, angels, vampires), Ethnic/Multicultural Romance, and Developing the Collection-with a suggested core collection list. Substantial additions have been made to the Research Aids section, and major revisions have been made to the historical and contemporary romance sections. A list of recommended titles for YAs appears in an appendix. A must buy for librarians inv

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 435 pages
  • English
  • 1563083353
  • 9781563083358

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