Recessional by James A. Michener

Recessional by James A. Michener


In his stunning new novel, bestselling novelist James A. Michener draws on his unparalleled gift for storytelling, his deep understanding of American society, and his own life experiences to illuminate the challenges of aging and the folly of youth in a Florida retirement home known as the Palms.
As the new, young director of the Palms, Andy Zorn suffers no shortage of loving support and wise advice from his elders, a group of five passionate, outspoken residents who refuse to accept the passive roles that both society and family have handed them. Yet past scandal has driven Zorn to despondency, until he meets an extraordinary young woman in the rehab wing, who has been forced to rebuild her life in the face of crippling injuries. Now Zorn finds himself falling in love--and with the help and gentle jabs from his more mature friends, he discovers a wonderful new purpose in life....

Michener hooks you with wonderfully humorous scenes. These are then interwoven between the moments of pain and heartache brought about by life choices we all must make.
--Tulsa World

Engaging...One will be drawn into the novelist's world....The lush natural setting provides James Michener plenty to show and tell


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 432 pages
  • English
  • 0749319925
  • 9780749319922

About James A. Michener

james albert michener is best known for his sweeping multi-generation historical fiction sagas, usually focusing on and titled after a particular geog Read More about James A. Michener
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