Ramona Forever By Beverly Cleary (Special Read Aloud Edition)

Ramona Forever By Beverly Cleary (Special Read Aloud Edition)


Ramona's year in third grade is highlighted by the arrival of Howie's rich uncle, a change in her after-school situation, a surprise wedding, a death, a new arrival in the family, and her father taking a new job. 

  1. The Rich Uncle
  2. Ramona's Problem
  3. Being Good
  4. Picky -Picky
  5. "It"
  6. A Suprise , Sort of
  7. The Chain of Command
  8. The Families Get Together
  9. Ramona Saves the Day 
  10. Another Big Event

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 208 pages
  • English
  • 0061703559
  • 9780061703553

About Beverly Cleary

beverly cleary (born april 12, 1916) is the author of over 30 books for young adults and children. her characters are normal children facing challenges tha Read More about Beverly Cleary
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