Predator By Patricia Cornwell

Predator By Patricia Cornwell


Dr. Kay Scarpetta, now freelancing with the National Forensic Academy in Florida, takes charge of a case that stretches from steamy Florida to snowboundBoston, one as unnerving as any she has ever faced. The teasing psychological clues lead Scarpetta and her team-Pete Marino, Benton Wesley, and Lucy Farinelli-to suspect that they are hunting someone with a cunning and malevolent mind whose secrets have kept them in the shadows, until now. "Predator" is proof once again that Patricia Cornwell has few peers with her extraordinary ability to entertain and enthrall.



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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 406 pages
  • English
  • 0739458825
  • 9780739458822

About Patricia Cornwell

patricia cornwell sold her first novel, postmortem, in 1990 while working as a computer analyst at the office of the chief medical examiner in richmond, vi Read More about Patricia Cornwell
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