Prayers from the Heart by Richard J. Foster
By Richard J. FosterMy whole life, in one sense, he has been an experiment in how to be a portable sanctuary," writes Richard Foster, "learning to practice the presence of God in the midst of the stresses and strains of contemporary life." So begins Foster's most personal work yet, a book of prayers that seek to lead us to experience "the reality of God in the midst of going to work and raising kids and cleaning house and paying the bills." Drawing on the structure of his awardwinning Finding the Heart's True Home, Foster presents this collection of prayers according to the three aspects of the human looking inward to the heart, reaching upward toward God, and moving outward to care for others. These prayers speak to moments in our days and events in our lives. Simply and powerfully expressing such basic human experiences as wonder, stillness, the loneliness of anonymity, and the search for faith, Foster encourages us to explore the transformative power of prayer that draws us into the love of God and gives Christian community its life. Longtime Foster readers and newcomers alike will cherish this rich and thoroughly contemporary book from one of our most respected spirtual leaders.
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Book details
- Hardcover
- 120 pages
- English
- 0060628472
- 9780060628475
About Richard J. Foster
richard james foster is a christian theologian and author in the quaker tradition. his writings speak to a broad christian audience. born in 1942 in new me Read More about Richard J. Foster
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