Practicing Our Faith by Dorothy C. Bass

Practicing Our Faith by Dorothy C. Bass


As wise as grandparents, a good guide to living within our families and communities with integrity and generosity. -- Kathleen Norris, author of Dakota and The Cloister Walk Many people are looking for ways to deepen their relationship with God by practicing their faith in everyday life. Some go on retreats but are often disappointed. Many thoughtful, educated people search for spiritual guidance in Eastern religious traditions, unaware of the great riches within their own heritage. Dorothy Bass and the other contributors to this multi-denominational collection show how they can shape a faithful way of life during challenging times at work, at home, and in the community. This book explores the stuff of everyday life, placing ordinary activities in a biblical and historical context, and discovering in them opportunities to realize God's active presence in life. Practices include: Honoring the body * Hospitality * Household economics * Saying yes and saying no Keeping Sabbath* Testimony Discernment* Shaping Communities Forgiveness* Healing

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • English
  • 0787938831
  • 9780787938833

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