Phonogram Volume 1: Rue Britannia book by Kieron Gillen

Phonogram Volume 1: Rue Britannia book by Kieron Gillen

  • Britannia is ten years dead. Phonomancer David Kohl hadn't spared his old patron a thought for almost as long... at which point his mind starts to unravel. Can he discover what's happened to the Mod-Goddess of Britpop while there's still something of himself left? Dark modern-fantasy in a world where music is magic, where a song can save your life or end it.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 152 pages
  • English
  • 1582406944
  • 9781582406947

About Kieron Gillen

kieron gillen is a comic book writer and former media journalist. Read More about Kieron Gillen
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