One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies

One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies


My name is Ruby. This book is about me.

It tells the deeply hideous story

of what happens when my mother dies

and I'm dragged three thousand miles away

from my gorgeous boyfriend, Ray,

to live in L.A. with my father,

who I've never even met

because he's such a scumbag that he

divorced my mom before I was born.

The only way I've ever even "seen" him

is in the movies,

since he's this megafamous actor

who's been way too busy

trying to win Oscars

to even visit me once in fifteen years.

Everyone loves my father.

Everyone but me.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 1442493836
  • 9781442493834

About Sonya Sones

sonya sones has written seven young adult novels in verse: stop pretending, what my mother doesn’t know, what my girlfriend doesn’t know, one o Read More about Sonya Sones
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