Nearly Impossible Brain Bafflers by Tim Sole
By Tim SoleIf you answer all 167 of these tricky number, word, chess, logic, and spatial games, you must be impossibly smart. Here are some samples: 1. Find the next term in this series: 1248, 1632, 6412, 8256 2. Discover the word, expression, or name depicted by these letters: T _RN. 3. If 89 players enter a single elimination tennis tournament, how many matches would it take to decide the winner, excluding byes? 4. "Bookkeeper" has three consecutive double letters. What common two-word phrase, if you remove the space, also has three consecutive double letters? Along the way you'll try to decipher a Top Forty song chart. Decide whether you'd rather a tiger chase you or a zebra. Give three boys' names that are anagrams of each other. And...figure out who we're talking about if the mother is three times as old as the daughter was when the father was the same age as the mother is now. Fortunately, the answers are provided. Answers: 1. Regrouping the sequence as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256, the next two terms in this sequence are 512 and 1024. The answer to the question is 5121. 2. No U-turn. 3. Each match will eliminate one player, so starting with 89 players will require 88 matches to decide the winner. 4. Sweet tooth. 96 pages, 77 b/w illus., 5 3/8 x 8 1/4.
Book details
- Paperback
- 100 pages
- English
- 0806962933
- 9780806962931
About Tim Sole
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