Living and Nonliving in the Grasslands by Rebecca Rissman

Living and Nonliving in the Grasslands by Rebecca Rissman


Describes the animals, plants, and nonliving elements found in the grasslands of the world.

How can you tell if something is living or nonliving in the grasslands? Children reading this book explore a stunning grassland habitat while learning how to tell the difference between living and nonliving things, such as prairie dogs, snakes, and rocks. Headers in the form of questions help guide the reader as they learn the properties of living and nonliving things.



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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 26 pages
  • English
  • 9781410953841
  • 141095384X

About Rebecca Rissman

rebecca rissman is an award-winning children’s author and editor. her writing has been praised by school library journal, booklist, creative child ma Read More about Rebecca Rissman
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