Killer Instinct #2: Killer Within book by S.E. Green

Killer Instinct #2: Killer Within book by S.E. Green


IT'S BEEN THREE MONTHS since the sadistic Decapitator’s demise, and Lane feels both closer to and more alienated than ever from her grieving family. Haunted by conflicting memories, she resumes the role of Masked Savior vigilante - but her heart just isn’t in it. For Lane now knows the rush of deeper thrills. Darker thrills. And a growing part of her wants to revisit their seductive power.

To Lane’s chagrin, the Masked Savior inspires its own fan site, where groupies gather online to praise, document, and debate each delivered act of justice. But then one of Lane’s secret admirers becomes a cunning copycat, assaulting the defenseless with escalating violence. And Lane suspects someone is spying on her, edging closer to making contact.

Someone who knows her secrets.

And that person's identity is but one of many revelations that shake Lane to her core...

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 304 pages
  • English
  • 1481402889
  • 9781481402880

About S.E. Green

s. e. green is the award-winning and best-selling author of young adult and adult books. she grew up in tennessee where she dreaded all things reading and Read More about S.E. Green
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