In My Mother's House by Kim Chernin

In My Mother's House by Kim Chernin


Kim Chernin tells the story of Rose Chernin, Russian immigrant, passionate Old Left activist, and gifted storyteller. As she weaves together four generations of her own family's history. Kim Chernin explores, what it means to be a daughter, a mother, a writer, and a woman.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 307 pages
  • English
  • 193156132X
  • 9781931561327

About Kim Chernin

kim chernin (may 7, 1940 – december 17, 2020) was an american feminist writer, poet, and memoirist.chernin was born on may 7, 1940, in the bronx, new Read More about Kim Chernin
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