Gasstationthoughts and The Daily Journal Of Wheeler Antabanez

Gasstationthoughts and The Daily Journal Of Wheeler Antabanez


Matt Kent is a young man, who, in an effort to cope with the angst shard by hundreds of thousands of adolescents across the country, was arrested for what he wrote on his website. The charge was "terrorist threats" and Kent spend the eve of the anniversary of the Columbine shootings in jail in Caldwell, New Jersey. gasstationthoughts and The Daily Journal Of Wheeler Antabanez are the works that appeared on his website.Kent's is the undistilled voice of the "Columbine Generation," presented here for the first time without the sensationalism of the media. In gasstationthoughts - a selection of free-form prose - you gain a true understanding of how violence, religion, music and culture shape the children of the information age.

The Daily of Journal of Wheeler Antabanez is the diary of a fictitious character that Kent created as an outlet for the rage he discusses in gasstationthoughts.. It is this "diary" that brought on the allegations of terrorism; this volume contains entries that were previously unpublished on the web site due to his arrest. With an introduction explaining the author's life, work, and arrest, this book is both shocking and riveting.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 160 pages
  • English
  • 1569801991
  • 9781569801994

About Matt Kent

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