Outernet #1: Friend or Foe? book by Steve Barlow

Outernet #1: Friend or Foe? book by Steve Barlow


A wild ride through strange galaxies and unexpected adventures. But watch your step -- and don't step in anything gross or smelly along the way! The Outernet is a web of intergalactic computer networks linked through Servers on different planets.As the series opens, we discover that the evil Tyrant and his henchmen (the FOES) are trying to take over the Outernet and use its powers to control the galaxy.Our heroes, including several not-so-lucky Earth kids, accidentally connect to the Outernet via a lost Server. They must work with the Friends of the Outernet to keep freedom and liberty in the Galaxy. They are assisted (and often hindered) by a hilarious dog and cat team who are disguised agents of the Friends and the FOES.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • English
  • 0439343518
  • 9780439343510

About Steve Barlow

steve barlow (real name steven lowe) was born in britain. he studied at warwick university and nottingham university, and worked at various times as a teac Read More about Steve Barlow
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