Dr. Franklin's Island by Ann Halam

Dr. Franklin's Island by Ann Halam


Semi, Miranda, and Arnie are part of a group of 50 British Young Conservationists on their way to a wildlife conservation station deep in the rain forests of Ecuador. After a terrifying mid-air disaster and subsequent crash, these three are the sole survivors, stranded together on a deserted tropical island. Or so they think. Semi, Miranda, and Arnie stumble into the hands of Dr. Franklin, a mad scientist who’s been waiting for them, eager to use them as specimens for his experiments in genetic engineering.



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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 0 pages
  • English
  • 038573008X
  • 038573008X

About Ann Halam

as well as being a children’s author, ann halam writes adult science fiction and fantasy books as the popular and prizewinning author gwyneth jones. Read More about Ann Halam
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