Confessions: The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest

Confessions: The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest


One of the most controversial and influential priests of our day -- bestselling author of Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, and The Reinvention of Work -- reflects on a lifetime of passionate faith. Matthew Fox's radical theology comes alive in this highly charged autobiography, which traces his spiritual evolution from altar boy in Madison, Wisconsin, to graduate student in revolution-rocked late-sixties Paris, to Dominican priest, to his high-profile battles with the Vatican. Best known for recovering the Creation Spirituality tradition, which brings together ecology, cosmology, justice, and mysticism in a theology based on "original blessing," Fox continues to be one of the most original thinkers in the church today. Finally, Fox addresses his new role as a "post-denominational priest" and a leader for urban young people

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 301 pages
  • English
  • 0060629657
  • 9780060629656

About Matthew Fox

matthew fox (born 1940) is an american episcopal priest and theologian. he is an exponent of creation spirituality, a movement grounded in the mystical phi Read More about Matthew Fox
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