Cissy Sissney #1: Stop the Train! by Geraldine McCaughrean

Cissy Sissney #1: Stop the Train! by Geraldine McCaughrean


Cissy Sissney #1: Stop the Train! by Geraldine McCaughrean

issy Sissney and her family are staking their claim. Along with a handful of other entrepreneurs, they've stepped off the train into the brand-new town of Florence, Oklahoma, and started building a future.

But the president of the railroad says no more trains will stop in Florence -- ever. Without the railroad, the town can't survive. So it's up to Cissy, her family, friends, and neighbors to stop the train any way they can.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 384 pages
  • English
  • 0060507519
  • 9780060507510

About Geraldine McCaughrean

it's 40 years now since i first got published, and 50 since i found out how writing let me step outside my little, everyday world and go wherever i chose - Read More about Geraldine McCaughrean
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