An Angel to Watch Over Me: True Stories of Children's Encounters with Angel

An Angel to Watch Over Me: True Stories of Children's Encounters with Angel


Perhaps because children have not yet learned to disbelieve what their eyes, ears, and hearts tell them, they seem to have a special closeness with angels. After the publication of Joan Wester Anderson's New York Times bestseller WHERE ANGELS WALK, people urged her to write a book entirely about children's experiences with angels -- and sent along their own personal narratives as witness to these miraculous visitations.
AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER ME is the result: a wonderful collection of stories that documents and describes the extraordinary encounters between children and celestial visions. There's the grandmotherly angel who consoles an ailing girl in a hospital emergency room, and the angel who helps a Texas boy lose his fear of thunderstorms. There are angels who combat darkness, bring glad tidings, and offer comfort. For those who read this wondrous book, angels become a warm and loving presence in everyday life, a blessed part of being.
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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 139 pages
  • English
  • 0345388151
  • 9780345388155

About Joan Wester Anderson

joan wester anderson has been writing about angels since 1992, penning eight books on the subject (including an angel to watch over me and in the arms of a Read More about Joan Wester Anderson
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