An African History of Africa: From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence book by Zeinab Badawi

An African History of Africa: From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence book by Zeinab Badawi


*Selected as a book to look out for in 2024 by the Guardian* Everyone is originally from Africa, and this book is therefore for everyone. For too long, Africa's history has been dominated by western narratives of slavery and colonialism, or simply ignored. Now, Zeinab Badawi sets the record straight. In this fascinating book, Badawi guides us through Africa's spectacular history - from the very origins of our species, through ancient civilisations and medieval empires with remarkable queens and kings, to the miseries of conquest and the elation of independence. Visiting more than thirty African countries to interview countless historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and local storytellers, she unearths buried histories from across the continent and gives Africa its rightful place in our global story. The result is a gripping new account of Africa: an epic, sweeping history of the oldest inhabited continent on the planet, told through the voices of Africans themselves. 

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 531 pages
  • English
  • 0753560127
  • 9780753560129

About Zeinab Badawi

zeinab badawi is an award-winning broadcaster, journalist, and filmmaker. she is president of soas university of london and is an honorary fellow of her al Read More about Zeinab Badawi
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