Morning Star Trilogy #2: Alexandria: In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Unfolds

Morning Star Trilogy #2: Alexandria: In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Unfolds


In volume 4 of the saga of Griffin and Sabine (volume 2 in the new Morning Star trilogy), intrigue turns to danger and romance turns to passion as Matthew Sedon and Isabella de Reims, lovers separated by continents, struggle to make sense of a world beyond experience. Only the guidance of Griffin Moss and Sabine Strohem - experienced navigators of myth and reality - can keep them safe. In Egypt, mysterious forces vie to keep Matthew away from his archaeological dig just as he is about to make a vital discovery, one that may explain his increasingly strange and strong connection with Sabine. In the boulevards of Paris, under Griffin's tutelage, Isabella leams to trust her own powerful instincts, instincts that will unlock the mysteries of the ancients. Picking up where the national bestseller The Gryphon left off, the story unfolds in extraordinary art and in artful postcards and letters, in the bestselling tradition of Griffin & Sabine.


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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 64 pages
  • English
  • 081183140X
  • 9780811831406

About Nick Bantock

nick was schooled in england and has a ba in fine art (painting). he has authored 25 books, 11 of which have appeared on the best seller lists, including 3 Read More about Nick Bantock
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