You are your first name

You are your first name


The Numerology Name Dictionary by Americas Foremost Numerologist Ellin Dodge. Wondering what your career strengths are? Confused by your boss? Is John really your soul mate? Nervous about impressing your future mother-in-law.? Well, throw away those self-help booksskip your therapist appointmentand let your fingers do the walking through You Are Your First Name for all the answers and more! Taught in the ancient mystery schools, the first letter of any namethe vowelsand the consonantsall have meaning unveiling secrets and providing you with great insight about yourself, your friends, lover, boss and everyone else in your life! With You Are Your First Name, all the answers youve ever wanted are pages away.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 435 pages
  • English
  • 0671448323
  • 9780671448325

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