When the Pieces Don't Fit : Making Sense of the Puzzles of Faith

When the Pieces Don't Fit : Making Sense of the Puzzles of Faith


There are many "either-or" truths. Either Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is enough for the forgiveness of our sins or it isn't. Either we serve God or we don't. But what about those truths that seem like opposites? Is Jesus God or man? Do we have to be perfect or can we never be perfect? We are more comfortable when we don't have to live in the tension between two puzzle pieces that look like they don't fit or are contradictions. The author shows us how to resolve life's contradictions and live in a trusting relationship with God.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 215 pages
  • English
  • 1572931973
  • 9781572931978

About Karen Mason

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